Does Unreal Engine 4 support PhysX GPU acceleration?

Hi there,

Looking at Nvidia’s PhysX webpage we can read…

PhysX in UE4: Infiltrator Demo
PhysX has been scoring design wins across a wide spectrum of products because the SDK makes it easier and faster to develop better games and applications than one could otherwise. PhysX is a complete physics solution that enables realistic game play, compelling simulations and dynamic effects. PhysX is a proven top competitor among physics engines and supports all major gaming platforms, from mobile devices and consoles to multicore PC’s both with or without GPU acceleration.

Does that mean that GPU acceleration is available in UE4 for Nvidia cards owners ?


Yes :slight_smile: Not only PhysX but also GPU accelerated physics support overall that works on other GPUs, specially in particles.

Does this also include rigid-body simulation ?

Because it seems to me that PhysX only has GPU acceleration for Particles and Cloth…right ?

I did quick search on source code and i can phyx refrences in things like physical material, Vehicle movement component, world collision, skeletal mesh, so i guess it used when it can be used, it’s simply seamlessly integrated to physics system

Thanks for putting effort in answering my questions, but I am afraid that I was not clear enough…

Does Unreal Engine Support any kind of GPU acceleration for rigid-body collision detection… I am affraid I already know the answer… :frowning: thanks anyway pal.

Well it does, i gone to PrimitiveComponent.cpp and i seen psyx body calls there, do yes it seems it support rigid body acceleration

PhysX has both CPU and GPU techniques, how can you be certain that it uses a GPU-based algorithm ?

Ok i guess somebody else with deeper knowlage on this topuic need to give you anwser

Hi everyone,

Currently we do not have any GPU acceleration for PhysX features. We do, however have GPU particles. We are looking to implement this in the future as a feature that multiple card brands can utilize efficiently. Thank you and have a great day!

Hi in the Nvidia control panel , click the PhysX setting , 3D on the top bar , click that and tick the box that says " Show 3D indicator . When you next play your game you will get PhysX>CPU or PhysX>GPU .

You used to be able to set this in Unreal Engine 3 in one of ini files . In that file it says "bdisablephysxhardwareaccelleration=True " True uses CPU False will use the GPU. It may depend on the game too. Some may of not been coded to use GPU PhysX . Some may benefit from GPU physX as at the time it probaly ran at the cost of performance . I have looked inUE4 and I cant seem to find those features .

I also asked Nvidia and Epic what does PhysX GPU Heapsize and What PhysX Mesh cache size meant and what is the best value to set it at and both didnt know what I was on about and didnt know . There was also APEX and APEX substep switched off in some games .

Features that console wont have are interactive cloth (tearable ) interactive smoke , Proper distruction additonal riggid bodies , interactive liquids . interactive debris like leaves , papers , cans These seem to have been lost in modern game . Look at Dark Void, Terminator :Salvation, The Batman games , Borderlands games, Metro games , cryostasis , Alice: Madness Returns etc. They have those . More shocking is folks dont switch PhysX on or Put them on High to get ther full Flavour .

The other issue is GPU is being hampered with HDR and Ray Tracing (On Hellgate : Suanas Sacrifice it states that this heavily affects the GPUS VRAM ) …so perhaps there is no room for GPU PhysX :frowning: . Now adays I think people want too much . Devs are exhausted and mistakes are made too .