Is it possible connect two different spline point?

Hi all,
I need to connect two spline point and i would know if that is possible. I have spline1 and spline 2 and i want to connect the last point of spline1 with the first point of spline2. Is there a key combination for do this?
I attached an image

While the question is quite old I would like an answer as well. Did you find out how to work around this problem?

Looking for an answer as well :slight_smile:

I also need this!

Pretty sure you can’t connect separate splines together. What are you trying to do? There is probably a better way.

I need an actor with a camera attached to fallow a spline, stop at the end of one spline, do something, then continue down the next spline without the camera jumping around at all. I think I may have gotten it last night though, I have it printing the world rotation and transform of the last spline point of a blueprint actor with spline component (Spline Index 4, as I have 4 points on this spline). I have set a second spline to the same world transform and it seems to be lined up well, I do not know for certain yet until I make a little more progress and can properly test it.

This may help you figure that last part out