Why is my Movement Input firing without effect to the character?

I am trying to create a jetpack-system, and the Add Movement Input is executed, although my character doesn’t react. I can walk left and right, and the blueprint is executed, however no upward motion is added. I have read some other jetpack-related questions here but none helped.

I am using the sidescroller blueprint template, and here are my blueprints:


Activating Jetpack:

Hi, your Jetpack is a custom input event, have you bind it to a key in Edit → Project Settings → Input? Otherwise it won’t have key bindings assigned to it and so it won’t be possible to use it in-game.

Hi. It is indeed bound:


I edited my Event Graph slightly, and this is Use Jetpack:

No upwards momentum is applied.

Hi again, Kapten, from what you show it seems that you possibly need to add a float input node at your Jetpack custom event to pass it in in Scale Value in Add Movement Input.

If it doesn’t work, maybe there’s a property in the character defaults (or in its Movement Component) preventing moving vertically this way.

I’ve been struggling with the same issue with the first person template. The Add Movement Input is only moving the character 1 scene unit! I’ve bound it to a key, and it only moves a tiny bit. It’s like the scale value doesn’t have an effect above 1, and it only uses the world direction as a direction, not a magnitude.

If you hook it to eventTick, it will move it at the walk speed.

I am fairly new to UE4, but I wanted vertical movement for my character, to get it to work I had to use the ‘Set Movement Mode’ node and change the ‘New movement mode’ to flying. Then I could use movement on the z axis input. Change it back to ‘Falling’ when finished with your jet pack input.


Hope that is of some use!

I had a related problem: The movement input moved the Actor so slowly that I did not even noticed at first. Even putting gigantic numbers in the default acceleration variable of the movement component had no effect.

My solution was to set the acceleration and maximum velocity of the movement component in the construction script of the actor. That way the values were actually applied and the actor behaved as expected. Maybe this is the problem here, too.