Behavior Tree AI path follow and attack

Hoping someone can help me out. I created a simple BT for a path following AI. Find Next Point and Move To. Basic. I also have an AI Controller that uses that BT, and set up a Branch calling the Player Distance so if its true to attack the Player. False should result in using the blackboard. The AI seems to always want to follow the path. Not sure about BB and Behavior Trees, Sure its something simple I need to add into the BT.

Thanks for looking

As you are checking the distance only when the Level begins, if you change the distance during the game it will not “run”, so will never detect and never run the BT, or will run the BT, but once inside the BT, the AI can´t “leave” it… (it is something to improve later in the engine)

I really recommend you to follow this tutorial series from : - YouTube

It will give a LOT of information about Blackboard, Behavior Tree, EnumStates, etc

Good luck!

sounds good thanks Filipe!

no problem! please mark as resolved, thanks and good studies