Blender to UE4 mobile

Hi All,

My 3D models and animation vanishes when I preview it using the mobile view port. However they work just fine for the desktop viewport.

I usually model the characters using MakeHuman and import them into Blender. In Blender I animate them and then I import the model/animation into UE4. The problem is that my model/animation works when I preview it using the shader meant for desktop & consoles. When I preview my animation using the openGLES2 shader, my model vanishes. Anything I import form belnder vanishes when I view it in a mobile viewport. I cant figure out why this is so? Have any of you experienced this before ? Can you guys let me know how I can correct this issue?

Here is a link to my files: [Blender file and FBX file ][1]


I would go to the Docs and check your models with any mobile requirements.

Under Mobile Game Development, after the second indentation there is a link called “Materials for Mobile Platforms” and “Texture Guidelines for Mobile Platforms”, as well as some other performance links to specific information needed as a requirement for mobile games.

It might have an explanation of why some models are not showing up correctly.

For example, but kind of unrelated, I read on the Docs that for a mobile game an image would not be displayed unless it was a power of 2. It would show up an unrecognized texture which totally ruined the game until I changed it after reading about mobile’s requirements that differ than pc or other platform capabilities.


Apologize for the late reply. Whenever I animate the models in Blender and I try exporting to UE, it does not work very well for mobiles. Atleast I don’t know how to get it to work. Reading the online documentation did not help. I am not an expert “3d materials” guy. Hence, to address this shortcoming, I decided to perform the animation in UE and completely bypassing Blender. Now the models are working fine. This is not a solution, but a very crude workaround.
