Destructible floor

I’m trying to make a floor that breaks on stepping in the Third person game, but it dose not take any damage on stepping. When it’s in the air and i hit the side of the floor it breaks but not when step on.
Please help.

Hello Narrd

Set your floor with gravity, but no physics simulation activated, then you can put a trigger box in top of that floor, and when the player overlap the trigger box, it activates the physics simulation of the floor.

It will make the floor break and both fall.

Try it and let me know any question about it

it depends, show me your destructible mesh settings. It have to be marked as receive damage on impact, and set the damage to a higher value, as 10, or 100.

sure, I’ll try it.
but why the destructible mesh doesn’t take damage from stepping on it?

Hi, idk how to plug event to the DM_floor to make it break on overlap, can you please help?


Ok, first be sure you configured the destructable mesh to receive damage on impact, see picture 1

Then, be sure to simulate physics. See picture 2:

And, inside the Level BluePrint, create a logic similiar to this.

PS: to the event “OnActorFracture” shows up, you need to select the actor in your level.

Good luck