How do I stabilize a pawn's rotation horizontally?

How to stabilize pawn rotation horizontally? I want that my pawn is stabilized parallel to ground plane when no rotation button is pressed. How to achieve this with the blueprint?

Under your Static Mesh within the Blueprint. Look for Physics, under this you will see Linear Damping and Angular Damping. See if those give you the desired affect.

Those parameters change only rotation & move speed…

Another way is to clamp and RInterp the rotation. I used this previously before attempting the solution above. I rather not have an outside source interfering with the rotation if I could have the settings do that for me

Could you explain it more “accesible language” for noob in blueprints? For example which nodes i need connect to my pawns rotation node? Screen of the graph would be perfect =))

The Flying template does that to stabilize the UFO’s roll angle while you’re not using input. In the BP_Plane look for the part that uses the MoveRight input (or something like that). It first calculates the yaw speed to be applied and then it calculates a roll angle based on the yaw speed. If you’re not using the input (meaning MoveRight will give you 0) it calculates an inverted roll speed to make the plane rotate in the opposite direction as it would with your input. Which means it automatically stabilizes itself when you’re not using input. In the BP that’s the part under the “>” test (I can’t give you screenshots etc right now because i’m at work sorry).

Also keep in mind that this calculates a rotation speed which adds to the current rotation in the Tick event. Which means that speed adds an angle every frame.

The screenshot GregBlast has mentioned is here. As he suggested, I would also advise reviewing this Project to really understand what is going on. By using the axis input to control the turn speed, the roll direction is updated every frame. So rather then something fixed, this results in requiring constant input to continue the roll. So when the axis input drops to 0, meaning its not getting input. The roll zeros out to and balances the ship.