Problem with vehicles and AI

Hi, so I’ve been trying to create a litte vehicle/car AI that I can make better later, but the AIMoveTo’s and all of those don’t seem to do anything. I guess it’s because of the different steering Input, so; how do I port what the AI would do over to the Throttle and Steering of a WheeledVehicle?

Hey blenderfreaky, are you coding in c++ or blueprints?
Unfortunatly, the basic moveto etc… from the original AIController doesn’t work on vehicle because it’s not humanoid.
The basics to get it to work, is to make your AI “think” like you, use your set input steering and throttle on your AI “brain” with some maths like DotProduct to see if your car is going on the good direction, else make it turn a little bit to face the right direction with SetSteeringInput(), make it stop when it comes to the good spot with SetHandbrakeInput() and some tests with a LineTraceSingleByChannel() on front and sides of your car so when its stuck it go back with SetThrottleInput(-1) etc…

I hope it will help you, there is this post if you want a demo from Mr. Newton, You can download and just see how he does it.