Cant Set new Image for UMG-Button with SetResourceObject

Hello everyone,
I have a UMG-HUD-BP with a Button. The Hud works, my Instance of my Widget Class is created over C++ like [here] 1. The thing im trying to do is to change the Image of the Button over C++ with the following lines.

	UButton* Button = (UButton*)CurrentWidget->GetWidgetFromName(TEXT("Slot_1"));
	if (Button)
	//	Button->WidgetStyle.Normal.ImageSize = FVector2D();

Visual Studio marks all in the braces after SetResourceObject as Error.
The arguement with type “const char” is incompatible with Parameter from type UObject.

Nothing i tried worked. Do i have to convert the pic somehow, like the BP-node MakeBrushFromTexture or what is wrong? I cant find a Solution Online, so i hope u guys have an idea.
Cheers Ande

maybe you can try this :SetResourceObject LNK1120 error