Is it possible re-instance blueprint class through console

Hi, people. I have one recurrent trouble. Can’t determine what results into it. Sometimes after successful project building in VS and after hot-reload in editor I get this log:

Warning: HotReload successful (16 functions remapped  0 scriptstructs remapped)
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy populated in 0.0217 seconds. Added 1907 classes and 345 folders.
LogHotReload: New module detected: UE4Editor-PuzzlePreset-1425.dll
LogHotReload: Starting Hot-Reload from IDE
LogClass: Could not find existing class BlueprintTurnAction in package /Script/PuzzlePreset for HotReload, assuming new class
LogClass: Function ServerCallString is new.
LogHotReload: Re-instancing BlueprintTurnAction after hot-reload.
LogBlueprint:Error: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Error Could not find a function named "IsLocalOwned" in 'SendMessageTurnAction_C'.
Make sure 'SendMessageTurnAction_C' has been compiled for  Is Local Owned 
LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Warning [1741.24] Compile of SendMessageTurnAction failed. 1 Fatal Issue(s) 0 Warning(s) [in 78 ms]
LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Warning [1741.24] Compile of SendMessageTurnAction failed. 1 Fatal Issue(s) 1 Warning(s) [in 0 ms]
LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Warning [1741.24] Compile of SendMessageTurnAction failed. 1 Fatal Issue(s) 2 Warning(s) [in 0 ms]
LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Warning [1741.24] Compile of SendMessageTurnAction failed. 1 Fatal Issue(s) 3 Warning(s) [in 0 ms]
LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Warning [1741.35] Compile of SendMessageTurnAction failed. 1 Fatal Issue(s) 4 Warning(s) [in 104 ms]
LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Warning [1741.35] Compile of SendMessageTurnAction failed. 1 Fatal Issue(s) 5 Warning(s) [in 5 ms]
LogBlueprint:Warning: [compiler SendMessageTurnAction] Warning [1741.35] Compile of SendMessageTurnAction failed. 1 Fatal Issue(s) 6 Warning(s) [in 0 ms]
LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for 'PuzzlePreset' in 0.0036 seconds. Added 13 classes and 5 folders.

After that my blueprint class wont compile anymore. Hotreload module manually through console doesn’t change anything. After editor restarting all is fine again. If I run FindOutdatedInstances in console I get below log:

Cmd: FindOutdatedInstances
LogUnrealEdSrv: --- Finding all actor instances with outdated classes ---
LogUnrealEdSrv:   SendMessageTurnAction_C_0 (REINST_SendMessageTurnAction_C_62)
LogUnrealEdSrv: Found 1 instance(s).

So 2 questions:

  1. Why did this happen?
  2. Can I some way manually re-instance bp class without editor relaunching?

SendMessageTurnAction is my bp class derived from ABlueprintTurnAction(c++ class), which derives from ATurnAction(c++ class with UCLASS(abstract) macro).

Code of problem function:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Turn-based|Actions")
virtual bool IsLocalOwned();


bool ATurnAction::IsLocalOwned()
	APuzzlePresetPlayerController* ownedPC = Cast<APuzzlePresetPlayerController>(GetOwner());
	return (IsValid(ownedPC) && ownedPC->IsLocalOwned());

Sometimes such trouble occures with another c++ class’es BlueprintCallable functions (from some moment BP editor just wont see functions)

Thanks in advance