How do I make my 'Huds' Mini Map rotate?

Okay, so I have got my Hud up and running and a mini map up but how do I tweak the mini map to rotate, when the player rotates like a campus? I do know the basics on making a Hud with a Widget but how would I made the mini map on the Hud rotate when the player rotates?

And I would like a pointer in the middle of the mini map to face the same way as the player faces.

Does anyone know how to perform this?


Does anyone know?

There is a tutorial on how to build a working radar in UE4.

Thanks that’s pretty helpful! But how would I make my Mini Maps compus rotate when the player looks left to right? Thanks for your time by the way!

Try casting to your player character BP and get the actor rotation’s yaw. Make sure your minimap widget’s pivot is centered and add a “make rotation” node to your widget with target being your minimap image and rotation being the player character’s yaw. If the effect is reversed try either subtracting or adding 90 to the yaw which should fix it.

Hi, could you describe with a photo of what you mean? Sorry but when I search for a ‘make rotation’ node nothing comes up. Thanks for your time!

This is what I’ve got so far