Expose limited version of particle editor to the player?

Is it possible to expose the particle editor you have in unreal to the end player when goes to a menu in a game?

Say I want players themselves to make their own magic spells as a mage with of course some limits… Say they have a budget they can spend on making their particle effects…

Technically speaking I just want to bring in the particle effect render window while playing the game plus a few sliders…

Basically speaking, each vertical row in cascade is one draw-call. (this varies a little bit depending on gpu/ribbon/beam/mesh particles) but for the sake of example lets say its one draw-call.

it doesn’t matter if you have ten of those rows in one emitter, or one in ten emitters.
(there is a little more overhead, and no way to share nodes between rows that way, so you will lose a some optimization)

What you can do therefore, is let players pick emitters that just have one row/effect in them, and combine those in a blueprint/code made selection system.
Combine that with some dynamic nodes, parameterized initial color/color over life nodes and the like… and you got yourself a magic-creation kit.

Lous you have just explained to me the HOW, I really appreciate it! I will try and analyze what that means and how can I get it done!

Thanks for elaborating from the perspective of having it optimized with draw calls, that is really important!

With a little bit more thought this is my understanding of what you said.

Basically I need to make separate particle systems that contain only one line from Cascade

Lets take Lifetime and Initial Size. I have made them a blueprint class.

Then depending on say mage’s XP he can buy better Initial Size, or and additional Lifetime. And this is done through a menu where there is an option to add this kind of module.

You could also have a budget-oriented system where there is a number of points he can spend, say 100 points can be spent within Initial Size.

As the player progresses in his magic he can create tougher spells, by increasing say the size of the projectile to cover more area or make them have longer life time.

This reminds me of Morrowind spell creation, which was so awesome. Im asking nothing new I guess that havent been thought of…

However how do I make the Cascade render window to appear in a menu? Another mystery…