How can I offset an actors pivot orientation?

I’ve been searching for a solution to this and have not found one yet. I have actors that I need to alter the pivot orientation of. I’d rather not have to load in one-off versions of the assets with new pivot orientations. Is there a way I can offset the transform of an actor so that the pivot point is pointed in a new direction? This seems to be the point of a transformation matrix isn’t it? A quick altering of the vertex information…

In the FMatrix documentation I see a SetAxes. Does this allow me to input new axes to a transform? I see below it’s mentioned that UE would “fix” an non-orthographic axis. Can I get around this?

I don’t think you can do that in UE4. Even if you compose the correct matrix (like using this:, when you submit the matrix Unreal would “fix it” for you (i.e. turn it into a n orthonormal matrix) when it generates the FTransform by breaking the matrix down into the Translation, Rotation and Scale components (as separate components: Translation and Scale are FVectors, and the rotation will internally be represented by a quaternion, externally by a Euler).