Editor crashes with one-line callstack when loading C++ project

Hey! When I try to load a specific project, the editor always crashes and I get the following bug code:


Log Download:


Anyone know what the problem could be?

Go to the project folder - Saved - Logs and then post your latest log file :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply. I have added a link so that you can download the log file and get a good overview. The name of my project is “Instinct”. Hope this helps you get a solution.

Just by looking at the Log, I can spot the error: “ObjectProperty /Script/Instinct.InstinctCharacter:muzzleSmoke must be initialized in the constructor (at least to NULL) by calling PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject”. I fixed the error, but the engine does not seem to recognize this. I even changed the variable name to make sure. It does not update the log, meaning it does not recognize the changes I have made.

Anyone know how I could solve this problem?

You tried debugging, it should point you to line where crash happens

It does, but like I said, after I fixed the potential error, it still shows me the same error (even though I completly changed things around). What I would need is a UE4 compile without actually having to be in the editor, so that the engine can register the changes to the script.

Hi ,

Have you attempted to compile the .sln in VS 2013? Also did this occur before the 4.1 release or was it only afterwards?

I FIXED IT! What I did was the following: My visual was in “DebugGame Editor” mode. I changed it to “Development Editor”, built the solution and the scene loaded. Hope this helps people who were in a similiar situation!

Hey , I had come across a similiar glitch with PCIP.SubObject later on as well and couldn’t open my latest project either. There seem to be two project breaking bugs:

A: The PCIP.CreateDefaultSubObject line is completly missing or
B: ThePCIP. CreateDefaultSubObject string name is the same as that of another SubObject in the script


FirstPersonCameraComponent = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(this, TEXT("FirstPersonCamera"));

gunSmoke = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UParticleSystemComponent>(this, TEXT("FirstPersonCamera"));

The danger of these bugs is that when building the solution, it will not show up as an error. This means that if you oversee this once, you will never be able to open your project again. This NEEDS to be addressed by Epic. Thank you for watching this thread!

Awesome, worked for me, too. Ran into the same issue, rolled back from my repo and the error persisted. (Using 4.4)

I was compiling on DebugGame Editor and switched to Development Editor.