Camera attached to Pawn isn't able to rotate.

Hello all,

I’m having issues with my camera component. I’m working on an Top down(It’s actually angled) dungeon crawler. I’m trying to make it so on right click and drag the camera will orbit the player completely. The only way it works right now is if the Pawn Constraint is clicked on the camera and spring arm, and when that happens the camera is stuck in a fixed angle looking straight ahead. I’ve looked all over the internet to try and fix this and I haven’t found anything.

The camera is a child of the spring arm component and the spring arm is a child of the pawn.

I’m still learning so if there is more information that you need please don’t hesitate to ask for it. I would very much like to solve this problem. Thank you!

Try changing “use pawn control rotation”, there shoul be a setting on both the springarm and the camera that affects the camera behavior, but im not in from of my pc now, so can’t remember.

If you have a MovementComponent, there are also a “Use controller rotation-something” setting.

My camera rotation script won’t work without that ticked. I’m assuming there is no other way to have it angled down towards the character if the pawn control rotation, because it orients the camera the same way as the pawn. Is there something else I could do?

Can you make a similar camera with a similar cameraspring, that you position on top of the original topdown camera, and then on rightclick, switch to the alternative camera where you will do the swing. When released, then interpolate back to the original camera?