Create Level Map to indentify character's location?

I want to create a widget including the whole map (may be scalable) with a “you-are-here” mark pointing at your character location in that map like the example below. Even though there are several similar world maps in games like Warcraft or Elderscroll, I surprisingly cant find any tutorials how to create that. All I get just is how to create a mini radar for FPS Shooter Game. How would be the best way to achieve this?

This is complex work;
It’s not something we make in UI space, we usually create a 1:100 scaled down version of the map (using the simplified collision meshes on it) and move it to outside playable area.
Minimap actors move in their 1:100 space relative to their counterparts in ‘real-scale’ level…
Then set a top-down camera to render the map, only then sending the camera’s render texture to the UI panel to be seen as a flat map on screen.

You could do it with UMG, but I think it’s unpractical.

Thanks for your answer. Kinda difficulty as I read your comment. Actually, I find a tut about this in ]1 . But it didn’t work. My redpoint didnt move as I want. Besides, It rendered whole real top view instead which can be troule if there is a roof above. Yet what I want is just an outline floorplan for my building. I guess I will keep trying to figure out the solution.

Hey … i am kinda having the same problem. so did you find a way to make a map with the character’s location in it ? because i can’t find any tutorial about this :frowning:

thanks … appreciate it

hi, Not really a solution but you can buy [HAL toolwhich is very close to what we’re looking for.