Referencing Instanced Foliage Actors

Okay i am not sure of the best way to explain this so bare with me.

I have been making a weather system for my game, and i have come to the stage of creating a snow system, now part of this is to have snow appear to settle on rock and tree meshes in the level. At the moment the way i plan to do this is by applying a dynamic material instance to the meshes at run time when called.

My problem is that i cannot find a way to reference the Instanced Foliage Actors. Some of the trees and rocks i have in my level were placed with a few procedural foliage spawners, and some with the foliage brush, so it is my understanding that some are existing as Procedural foliage volumes, and some as Instanced Foliage Actors, but i cannot find a way to to directly target them. Functions like “get All Actors Of A Class” will not return any of the meshes.

Is there a way for me to perform blueprint actions on the meshes placed by both the procedural spawner and the foliage brush, preferably without having to re-simulate and paint them again. It seems rather unreasonable that all my actors that i want to apply this material to would have to be hand placed.

Thanks in advanced this problem has been twisting my brain for days.