Why is BlueprintNativeEvent calling the C++ implementation when there is a blueprint override?

I followed the three class creation tutorials (blueprint, code and code+blueprint). In the third tutorial (here) it walks you through setting up a BlueprintNativeEvent.

The documentation says:

there is a native default
implementation of the function that is
called if the Blueprint does not
override the function. This is useful
for things where you want some sort of
default behaviour if the Blueprint
does not implement it, but want the
Blueprint to be able to override the
functionality if desired. These are
more costly, so we only put them in
where the functionality is needed.
When you override the
BlueprintNativeEvent, you can still
call the native implementation, if
desired, by right clicking on the
event or function entry node, and
selecting “Add call to parent”.

In my case however when I overlap the sphere the blueprint implementation is called (the light changes to a random color) AND the native implementation is called (the light goes out). I only see the light (and it’s new random color) when overlap end fires and the native implemention toggles the light on.

As the docs say its supposed to be optional that the naitive implemenation is called by right clicking on the event in the event graph and selecting “Add call to parent”. However that menu item is disabled. This was built in UE4.1.

TLDR; Seems like, in this example at least, the naitive implementation is always being called for a BlueprintNativeEvent even when overridden in a blueprint despite the documentation saying otherwise.

I believe I found the issue. There is a minor error in the [“Class Creation Basics: Code and Blueprints” tutorial][1]. The text is correct but the corresponding blueprint diagram shows sphere1’s OnComponentBeginOverlap being used event instead of LightSwitchBoth OnOverlap.

Instead it should look like this: