Ceiling Lights acting strange

Hi, I attached a picture showing my problem. I haven’t had this problem before with a light that has no mesh, but this blueprint is not acting the same as the tutorial. This is an enclosed room. It’s extremely dim and the lamps have a bunch of small rectangles emitting from then instead of a normal light. I tried messing around with the details (not the blueprint itself) and no change. The editor preview is on high setting and the light preview is on production setting.

Hey Augos,

Since all of your lights are movable, try rebuilding your lighting and geometry using the ‘Build All’ option. If that does not work, your shadow bias could be extremely low for the lights which can cause this artifacts like the ones you are seeing to appear.

Let me know if neither of the options addressed the issue, so we can try some other troubleshooting options.


Well it might be giving problems but interior is looking too good.If the bulbs are dim then replace it by high powered but make sure that it should not heat up the room enviornment. http://www.airdexinc.com

^ ignore this response. It sounds like spam and doesn’t relate to your issue.