What's the most efficient way to add Sound to a Particle Emitter? I.e Crackling Wood with Fire Emitter.

I’m fiddling around with destructible meshes at the moment and I’m trying to figure out how to make a particle emitter play a sound. I have a destructible mesh that sets on fire (spawns particle emitter) when broken. - Without the usage of blueprint script.

Is there a way to make a sound play with it also? Like a crackling of the flame for example.

Any help with this would be appreciated. Thanks!

you’ll probably want to make a blueprint out of this situation your creating. with your destructible mesh in game, use the ‘convert to blueprint button’ in the editor (top of details panel), and open the blueprint. then add two components: a particle emitter, and an audio component. uncheck ‘auto-activate’ for both of those components. right click your destructible mesh component in the component list, and add event on fracture. from that event, you can then activate your particle, and play your audio component.

I was thinking that this is what I’d have to do. I was just wondering whether there was an option to actually tie a sound to a particle emitter. Thank you for replying though.