Landscape blend layer resolution


I’m trying to create a landscape with blended material layers and bumped into an issue. I can’t find a way to increase the resolution of the blend layers. Is there any way to do so? Making the brush softer won’t fix it as some materials won’t blend in real world scenarios.


is it the paint tool?

yes, I asked because this happens to me if I use the paint tool with layerinfo set to with weight, if you change the layerinfo to be without weight it might work…

Yes. If you right click on a paint layer there is an option to export it to file. The default size was aroud 400x400 pixel, which is pretty low. If I increase the landscape resolution to max and rescale it, then I get nearly 2K. Although the landscape is rather small now, it is usable for my case. But the resolution of the landscape is ridiculous now, like 1poly/1cm. Quite a performance hog.

Hello ,

Your landscape resolution is going to be affected by the texture resolutions within your landscapes material as well as the Static Lighting Resolution you have applied in the ‘Lighting’ section in the details tab of your Landscape Actor. You can modify the tiling of your textures so they don’t appear stretched out which can sometimes cause your textures to appear blurry.

Could you provide me with a screenshot of your Landscapes material and of the details tab for your Landscape actor within the level?


Hi Andrew!

I have set up a test material. Just two random textures, tiling set properly, 2x2m cube next to the spot, default landscape with half the quads (31x31). You can see that the resolution of the blend layer (!) is really low, although even with brush falloff set to 0 it has some falloff that makes it appear less jagged. The strange thing is that if I try to colorize the texture the falloff disappears and you can clearly see the pixel blocks of the mask (not the pixels of the texture as it has sufficient resolution). That explains my first screenshot as I was using a marketplace landscape material that is probably using a colorized texture. But this makes the landscape painting tool rather hard to use, even with the falloff you can see that the resolution isn’t too good.


Check to make sure your ‘Engine Scalability Settings’ for ‘Textures’ is set to ‘Epic’ and the ‘Material Quality Level’ is set to ‘High.’

Also, your Landscape Material set up is missing some important instructions. When painting on your Landscape, you will want ‘Landscape Layer Coords’ and not Texture Coords node. Also within the ‘Layer Blend’ node, you have the option to change the blend mode between ‘Weight Blend’, ‘Height Blend’, and ‘Alpha Blend’.

These, as well as the ‘Landscape Layer Info’ settings you apply for each painted layer will change how your layers appear to blend between one another. Take a look at the images below from my own test project as to how I have my material set up to be able to paint on my landscape.

Landscape Material Set Up

I would also take a look at the Landscape Technical Guide documentation so you can get a better idea of how to troubleshoot your own landscape issues and the correct set up to use in certain cases.

Landscape Technical Guide

Let me know if you have further questions.


The lack of height blend was indeed the reason. Thanks a lot Andrew!
