Using StartFPSChart/StopFPSChart in automation

I’m trying to use StartFPSChart/StopFPSChart in a scripted way to automatically determine if someone checks in a performance-killing change to our project. The flow is something like this:

  1. Load the first level
  2. Wait a second
  3. StartFPSChart log-level1
  4. Move the camera around for a few seconds
  5. StopFPSChart
  6. Repeat on the next level, until all levels are exhausted

However, the problem I’m running into is that when StopFPSChart is run, the system automatically opens up the file folder with the last captured logs, thus killing performance for the remaining chapters since UE is now in the background.

Is there some way to stop Explorer from opening up? I didn’t see any parameters to StopFPSChart, nor could I even find where in the engine source where it was opening Explorer in the first place.

Or, better yet, is there a way to pause the FPS recording so that I can get all of the levels’ framerate logs into a single file (which would make my life easier anyway)? Unfortunately our levels can take a second or two to load and I don’t want to have to try to tell the difference between a level-loading pause and a momentary perf drop in the analysis.

This is still causing me problems. :frowning: Why is automation testing so poorly-documented and lacking in basic perf functionality?

Hi, I was just searching for same thing and after your question I found in code that there is console setting for it:
t.FPSChart.OpenFolderOnDump 0

Default is 1 so it is opening Explorer on StopFPSChart. But at least for me it is working to set it to 0 before test and no Explorer window appear.

I now have 4.14 version of Unreal.

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