Oculus DK2+UE4.10 = super bright screen and camera bugs!

Really weird visual artifacts. Firstly, I have tried messing with anti aliasing, turning off bloom and lens flares, and disabling the postprocessing box. Nothing seems to fix it.

Secondly, the right lens has this box I’m sure you can see it reminds me of when a camera renders depth only, it doesn’t update right. I could post a video of what it looks like but, has anyone encountered this? What do I do?

Here is another example

Hey QFGlenn. I had some problem with right leanse, but in my DK2 leans sometimes flick black box. I update Oculus Runtime to 8.0beta. After that all work fine.I hope it helpful.


Oculus still not support 2D UMG.

I had a similar brightness issue before, it was coming from an arrow component I had attached to an object, for some reason when I looked at it, it reacted as if it was super reflective of light, so much so that it would blind the player, I couldn’t find a fix other than to set the arrows invisible in game / remove them.

But firstly, try and identify the exact object or material that is causing your issue by removing / setting their visibility until you identify the problem, then see what you can change on it to fix it.