Respawning an actor (Spawn actor after Destroy)

Lets say I pick up a sword on the ground called ASword. To remove it from the world I could call Destroy on ASword but that would prevent me from being able to re-spawn it into the world. I tried to call RemoveActor from UWorld but that did nothing.

What is the proper way to “Re-Spawn” an actor?

Below is my current implementation:
This is how I add an item to my inventory, It gets called when NotifyActorBeginOverlap() is called by the item (a sword in this case). I first check to make sure it was successfully added to the inventory before destroying/removing the item.

bool SEtherItemGrid::AddItem(ABaseItem* itemToAdd)
	UWorld* theWorld = itemToAdd->GetWorld();
	bool itemWasAdded = false;
	int32 firstEmptySlotIndex = -1;

	if (itemToAdd != NULL)
		//Get the index of the first available slot.
		firstEmptySlotIndex = this->FindFirstAvailableSlot();

		if (firstEmptySlotIndex >= 0 && firstEmptySlotIndex < this->GetNumSlots())
			//Add the item to the empty slot we just found.
			itemWasAdded = this->AddItem(firstEmptySlotIndex, itemToAdd);

			//Check to see if the item was added successfully.
			if (itemWasAdded == true)
				//Remove item from the world since it was successfully picked up.

	return itemWasAdded;

In my inventory, I have the option to right click an item and drop it. In other words this will remove the item from the inventory and then attempt to re-spawn it into the world. Here is what the code looks like for that:

void AStandardCharacter::DropItemFromInventory(ABaseItem* item)
	UWorld* theWorld = this->GetWorld();
	ABaseItem* removedItem = NULL;
	FRotator spawnRotation;
	FVector spawnLocation;
	//Remove the item from the inventory.
	if (item != NULL && myInventory.IsValid() == true)
		removedItem = myInventory->RemoveItem(item);

		//Take the removed item and re-spawn it into the world.
		if (removedItem != NULL)
			if (theWorld != NULL && itemToDrop != NULL)
				spawnRotation = this->GetActorRotation();
				spawnLocation = this->GetActorLocation();

				//Spawn the item at the spawnLocation.

When Attempting to drop the item, nothing happens and I get a warning saying “SpawnActor failed because the spawned actor IsPendingKill”.

So what Is the proper way to do this?

Hey Katianie-

I noticed that you posted the same question here:

I will be closing this post so that discussion of this issue can remain in one place and make it easier to find information about this in the future.