Selling a Stand Alone Game with Purchased Content

Hey everyone,

I’m very curious right now about something. If I purchased assets from the marketplace, and I used them in my stand alone game. Would I be allowed to sell my game with the assets provided? Like say I bought the Hospital Horror package and a made a thriller game using the art and static meshes. Could I sell that game, with those assets inside the game?

Please let me know. I’m working on a project and I need to know if I can or if I need to hire a friend to do my art.


Im not 100% sure, but i believe so yes. You bought the assets for use in a game, its not considered stealing. But def give credit just in case.

Yes, you can. You just can’t sell/share the package(or any of its contents) you bought.

thanks for clearing that up man

Thanks guys for the clear up everyone. I appreciate the feedback and help. :slight_smile: