2D grappling Hook?

So I’ve been playing around in 2D trying to get a grappling hook working and trying to apply 3D tutorials that exist to a 2D setting but the movements really janky and off, is there anyone who has a clue where I would start with this? I can get the player to teleport to a location but the grappling effect doesn’t seem to survive the transition well.


The player should fire a projectile which stops on overlap of any object, it should only go a certai range and once it has hit an object the player is then brought to the hook instantly or upon reactivation of the key that fired the hook, the player should rotate from the pivot point that is now the hook once they are brought to it. Gravity should apply accordingly.

Hi Qualitypirate,

I’m afraid we will need a little more info. What exactly do you mean by the grappling effect doesn’t survive the transition?

Feel free to post a project or a video to help elaborate.

You could check out the “Swing Ninja” example from the “Learn” tab in the Epic Games Launcher.

It has a type of grappling hook mechanic. You could check out how they did it and look if that’s a viable technique for your case.

Hi Qualitypirate,

We are marking this report as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you would like to continue investigating the issue, just post a comment to reopen the report.



Pardon me,
but would the 2d grappling hook would work in the newest version of Unreal Engine 5? I’m currently working on a game and I wanted to implement that in my game.

If not then how can I create a 2d grappling hook for UE5

Jared Barker