How to end or stop event once it has already been previously been triggered?

So I have just started to even comprehend this blueprinting thing…so …be gentle…

I haves handful of very simple events setup with box triggers. Just learning how to use them.
They either trigger a sound, a light, or possibly a timeline for vector movement.

But, how do I stop these simple events from happening every time I walk into the box trigger…basically saying I only want certain ones to happen once? For instance If I trigger a sound…I don’t want to walk back through the box and trigger it again.

Once again I’m new so feel free to ask for more info or whatever you may need, I know it’s simple.

Thanks :slight_smile:

C++ or Blueprint?


It sounds like you want a “Do Once” node. It is located in Flow Control and will only allow execution to pass through once. Please let me know if that helps.


Right click on the canvas and type Do Once and it should appear.

Do once sounds like exaxtly what I need. And yes im working with blueprints.
Whete exactly is the flow control located?
My event is simple. For instance.
If im triggering a sound eith a box trigger, this is how.
I have a OnActorBeginOverlap from trigger box 1 linked to PlaySoundAtLoaction. And of course it works.but over and over and over…is there a better way to be controlling my level blueprints?? Im literally just starting off and did it blindly.

Same for toggling lights.
On ActorBeginOverlap for trigger box 2 linked to toggle visibility referencing whatever light… and a OnActorEndOverlap to turn it off outside the box. But I dunno how to apply a button or gamepad command yo toggle while im inside the volume…im guessing I need to create a class blueprint for that…but yes…

But what ecactly is flow control. …ans where is it?? The “do once” node sounds like exaxtly what I need…I just dunno where it is or how to apply it to my level blueprint.

Thank you so much. And once again any info is great. :slight_smile:


Excllenet thank ya. :slight_smile:

Im getting an error in the node itself. Like it’s not hooked up correctly. The event for triggering a sound with a box trigger only consists of two nodes other than that. Is there something else I need or need to know?? and also when I double click the do once node t openers up more coding…

Try looking at the Blueprint_HUD.umap content example.

What you’d normally do first is destroy the trigger so the pawn or objects won’t set off the overlap events anymore.

Here’s the example blueprint portion that stops the pickup item rotation and up/down motion animations then destroys the pickup item trigger after the pawn overlaps the health pickup item trigger.

You can find the Destroy Actor item by right clicking on blank area of blueprint then typing Destroy.

FYI, you are replying with answers when you should simply be adding new comment.

I’m still new at this and I apologize. I’ll get it right,

Could you please attach some screenshots of the blueprint where the node is having the error? Also if you could make sure I can see the error in the image or copy/paste it, that would help me look into this error further.

's solution works. However, for those who stumble on this question via a google search (like I have) - there is probably a more elegant alternative: Toggle Generate Overlap Events

This stops subsequent events form firing altogether.