Unreal tournament keeps downloading

I was really enjoying the current build of the game until one day ago when the launcher started downloading ut4 again. I thought oh, no problem. As soon as the download was complete it stated “installing” but then immediately began the same download again. This has happened about four times now. I have the required disk space and I am downloading onto “C” drive I believe. Any help is greatly appreciated. The trouble shooting section did not seem to mention a fix to this specific problem. Looking forward to getting back in the game.


(I am guessing it’s trying to download and install version 4.10, correct me if I am am wrong, as I assume this is the latest normal build)

Hi Japarti,

  • Have you tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the game?
  • Have you checked the Unreal Tournament forums to see if anyone has experienced this before? I would highly recommend checking there. The Answerhub is specifically geared towards Unreal Engine 4 as opposed to Unreal Tournament. You can get to the UT forums at http://forums.unrealtournament.com.

Hi Japarti,

We have not heard from you in several days. I am marking this as answered for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this error, please comment with the requested information.