iOS - gamepad support not working on the platform

hey folks,

Does anyone know why using external gamepads like the one advertised on the Apple site, do not work with Unreal in an iOS build? That gamepad in particular - the Steelseries one, barely works in the editor and doesn’t work at all on the iphone. People on the forums are reporting that it’s not supported. If this is true, are there plans to change that in the future? Because this causes us a pretty major problem.


To add to this… my experience is that they don’t work properly in the editor either. The axis seem to be reversed and the buttons don’t seem to function at all.

Here is documentation for [Custom Input Devices][1]. I also found this [forum post][2] which may be helpful to you. I also wanted to let you know that we have UE-26256 in set as a new feature, but it’s unresolved right now. It’s for adding iOS gamepad support to the engine.

I hope this information is helpful, thanks!

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[2]: Mfi Controllers SteelSeries Stratus - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums

That’s great news about the new task. That forum post is what I was eluding to in my original question, but it’s quite old and basically gave no solution. Glad to hear you guys will be integrating the support. Especially considering we plan on making a build for TVOS.

btw, is there a place we can check the status of Jiras? I been given a number more than once the answers hub so I imagine there’s a way to actually look them up?

Thanks !