Shootergame Bots

Is it possible to have a tutorial or at least a better overview of the whole workings of the bots in shootergame?
I have copied the ShooterAIController and ShooterBot code to my own classes and they seem to be verbatim but they do not work if I assign my AI controller to the BotPawn in the shooter game. They spawn but never move or seem to function once they spawn.
I see a behavior tree but it seems to be coded only and do not seem to be able to grasp what is going on in the code side. Also what does the blackboard do?

anyways thanks for having some example of bots but it would be great if there was a tutorial with setting up those bots as duplicating them for whatever reason is not working. I know there is a chunk somewhere that I have missed in the creation of the bot just not sure what exactly

Hi Emile,

Thank you for your feedback. I have brought your request to our documentation team. The AI system is still a work in progress and subject to change. Additionally, you may want to look into this question that was asked before, as it may have information you are looking for:


Ive made them work in my project, you need more than just copying the code, as they use a behaviour tree and something in the bot blueprint, you need to also copy those.
I understand there is no documentation on AI becouse its still on heavy development.

how do you edit the behavior tree? And what did you do really I’d be fine with state machine type of bots but I cant even figure out how to get them to move even though the function is there.

i copied and pasted the behaviour tree and blackboard file, then i remade the bot blueprint looking at the one in shooter game, then i created the 2 bluepritns for 2 behaviours. to make them run into somewhere, there is a function in blueprint for that, taking the controller as imput

Thanks for responding victor.
you copied the C++ files? and if so which exact ones did you copy and what did you do to them?
I am trying to look at what you said and at the code and blueprints but I do not see the whole path that you took. if you can expand on what you said more in depth please do