How would I replace first person arms with a new model?

Just to get this out of the way, Im a pretty big noob when it comes to unreal, everything i know so far has come from the tutorials on the unreal website.

Ive started making a game using the first person shooter template and id like to replace the arms with a model I have in blender (Blend Swap | FPS Hands Rigged). Im not going to have a gun in my game and eventually id like to be able to pick up objects in my scene but for now I just want to have different arms. Im still fairly new so id need a pretty descriptive guide or pictures of the blueprint. Thanks :slight_smile:

I was working on something with the same issue for Third Person (new as well). What I did was replace the skeletal mesh of the character blueprint, with your imported skeletal mesh.

Open the character blueprint (MyCharacter in first person example code (blueprints)), Should be selected to Defaults section. Scroll down to Mesh → set your character mesh/drag mesh there.

Thanks for the reply, ill give this a try when I get home tonight.

When ever I replace the mesh iget a compiler error.
whe I look at the blueprint its getting an error on “get anim instance target is skeletalmeshcomponent”

Ahh, you will also need to make sure you bring over/import any animations that came with it. I think from Blender most have exported from blender, imported to Maya, then used the character rigging tool, then export the fbx files. Sorry I misunderstood as a material swap instead of an entire character/animation swap.

If you just want to change the material of the existing arms (turn the blue arms to something else) and still use the existing anims, etc. Open the properties of the HeroFPP_Skeleton asset under Character and change the material under it’s Mesh properties.


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Change in the event construct delet it all

just delete the mesh and replace with your own (make sure you select your animation blueprint in the options)