Why does "Play from here" make my character fall through landscape?

I’ve created a new project using Blueprint First Person and made a landscape. When I Play in New Window, my player starts at player start and falls to land. However, when I right-click and choose Play From Here, character falls through land.

Looking at MyCharacter blueprint, it’s clear that capsule is centered at origin. Is there a way to nudge this capsule up so that it would be above landscape when I choose Play From Here?

Hi lackthereof0,

I attempted to reproduce your results here but couldn’t. Could you try reproducing it in another FPS map to see if problem is persistent throughout or just isolated to map your working in?

Thanks, TJ

I’m sorry, it must be something with my project. After more testing, it looks like I can spawn on some parts of landscape, but not others. only thing I can see is that there are steep cliffs near no-spawn zone, as well as a few blueprints. I’ll get back to you…

Hey lackthereof,

It sounds like your capsule is intersecting with landscape when you click and choose Play From Here, especially if you’re only experiencing problem in steeper parts of your landscape. There is not currently a way to adjust where capsule is in relation to Play From Here. A better option in those cases might be to position camera above area you want to land, and chose to Play from Current Camera Position.

Hope that helps!