's Victory Plugin - Linker Errors

I can access all of the BP nodes within 's victory plugin just fine, so no worries there. However, my issue is with trying to access the plugin’s functions using C++. After adding this to my build.cs:

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "VictoryBPLibrary", "AIModule", "UMG", "Slate", "SlateCore", });

I get this linker error:

2>LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'S:\Program Installations\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\VictoryPlugin\Intermediate/Build/Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-VictoryBPLibrary.lib'

Further from this, if I then try to extend VictoryBPLibrary class with my own and try to compile it (which initially fails in the editor after the file is created), I get this:

2>S:\Program Installations\Epic Games\4.10\Engine\Plugins\VictoryPlugin\VictoryPlugin\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public\VictoryISM.h(9): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'VictoryISM.generated.h': No such file or directory

I am using 4.10.2 – doe anyone know how to get around this? This is a really fantastic plugin, and would love to get it working so I can use it with C++ :smiley:



Did you ever figure this out? I’ve got a similar error with the ZipUtility plugin…

In such cases you should contact plugin devloper they can give you best support.

In most cases this is caused by code degradation (not being updated with UE4 API changes) as author forgot to update it, in that case and if plugin is abendent you need ot fix the code yourself. Figure out when plugin was stop being maintained UE4 version wise, download that version of UE4, try to build, see if there any deprecation warnings (UE4 is quite good on those and usally prints out what you need to do to fix it), if there is fix them, get next UE4 version and do this again and again until you get to latest version, you can risk skipping version if you want to speed up a process, but some deprecation warnings are just for 1 version some have tendency to stay for very very long.