I can not understand the legal and license

i’ve been reading some articles lately about how much does it cost to make a game for console and mobile, it didn’t end well for me because i found that i need from 10,000 dollars up to 700000 dollars , like what ?? also i read that i need like 1000 dollar to release it for pc , xbox ,ps or mobile (1000 each) , is this even serieus ? help please !
and i want to know how much does it cost to release my game to pc,xbox ,ps or ios and android ?

I’m not sure I understand your question. From Epic’s standpoint, it doesn’t cost anything to release a UE4 game - you just need to pay royalties (5% of gross revenue) on your game sales. So the amount of royalties depends on how much your game makes.

But your question sounds like you’re talking about how much it costs to develop a game (development costs). Development costs can vary wildly (like a single person developed mobile game versus GTA 5).