SetTimer not working on C++?

Hi, I’m following a tutorial from C++ Battery Collector: Setting Timers for Spawning | 08 | v4.9 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

In that chapter she uses the SetTimer to fire a function to spawn an actor.

GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(SpawnTimer, this, &ASpawnVolume::SpawnPickup, false);

But for what I can see from the log window the function is never fired.
First I thought it was me, but then looking at the comments section someone else mentioned the same problem.
I don’t know if can be a version issue, she is using 4.9.

Try with this parameters

FTimerHandle TimerHandle;
GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle, this, &ASpawnVolume::SpawnPickup, 1.0, false, 3.0);

You must specify seconds. But at your case method gots “false”

Ow, sorry, now that you said that I watched again (I whatched so many times before and dindn’t saw it) the video and in fact there is a SpawnDelay variable, thanks.