Root Motion translation scale issue?

If anyone is having issues with Root Motion scaling from 3d application to UE4 I’ve noticed that I’ve had to up scale my movements in the application by 2.54 to get the correct transition into engine. I have not seen this in any docs or anything from what I could find. I hope this helps some. I am unknown if this is a bug or if the flow that i’m using is the issue but I have seen others with this issue with no results.

Unreal Engine 4: Root Motion scaling issue? solved? Maybe?

Hey Shoiko,

Thanks for reaching out to us. From your video, it looks like you’ve covered a lot of your bases. Is there any chance that you could send along your .max and exported .fbx files to me(just for the dodge)?

You can attach them here if you’d like. If you don’t want to make it public, you can upload to a file sharing service and PM me a link on the forums. PLEASE include the link to this Answerhub page in your PM so I know who is messaging me.


Here you go sir.

Hey shoiko,

Sorry for the inconvenience on this, but can you save the max file as a 2015 max file or earlier? I should have clarified that in my first post.


Hey Shoiko,

It looks like your system units are still in inches, which was causing all kinds of trouble. To adjust this, go to Customize>Units Setup>System Unit Setup. Do this on a blank scene, then attempt to open your .max file. It will give you the option to convert the scene to Centimeters…do that. Then export with the fbx settings on centimeters and import to UE4 with a scale of 1.

I’d also like to ensure you’re using FBX 2014 in your export settings. There are still a few kinks when importing FBX 2016.

Hope that helps. If not, we can continue investigating.


I have my units in centimeters. In you look at my units in the video I am using the proper units. Though i will have to check on the FBX part not sure it changed it by default.

The Max file you sent me has the “System Unit Setup” on inches. It is an additional sub-menu within “Units Setup” and appears to be the true unit settings. I don’t know why 3dsMax seems to make this as confusing as possible.

Just checked it was centimeters in both but my export was set to FBX 2012 changing it to 2014/2015 fixed the issue thankies!