Melee combat system not applying damage

I’m trying to implement a fairly simple melee system using the guide [here][1].
However, as you may have guessed, it’s not working right.

This is the blueprint on my player character, it’s supposed to get the overlapping actors of the Melee collider volume when the player clicks LMB, then apply damage to every actor in the “Combat_AI_NPC” class that overlaps the volume. However it doesn’t seem to be getting any actor references from the get overlapping actors function.

(Player Melee Collider collision settings)

(Target NPC Collider collision settings)

This is the script on the target NPC that is currently handling damage, I’ve tested that the colliders are actually seeing each other from here by using this script here;

However, having every combat-enabled NPC check every tick for something to damage it is really inefficient…

Any ideas?

Looks like I’ve solved it, in the get overlapping actors function I had it set to get the actor, not the component, now it seems to work fine.