Orthographic view colour and lighting issue

Here is what is showing up in the game, you can also see there are no shadows at all, I have not been able to find anyone else with the same problem on the forums or answerhub:


Here is how it should look like:


Nobody? I mean this is an extreme bug to say it lightly, is it known? Is it a limitation of the orthographic view maybe?

Here is a video about it, to show it a lot more clearly:

And here is the project files to check if its just mine:

There is a lighting bug with point and spot lights in orthographic mode. The issue needs upvoting in the tracker if it is going to be resolved. Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-7019)

I think I just got this bug, my Mini Map which is using orthographic mode is causing it to looking fully lit red and glitches out like in the image. it goes away as I move away from the light source. voted to fix this.