Eula multiple developers

At the moment, we are two people that are working on developing the game, however this may change in the future, adding several people to the project. Are we allowed to work (each one having his own EPIC account) on the same project?

This of course raises the next problem, as to how we will coordinate the project. We’re currently using SVN as a version control software for any other projects in which we are involved. Are we allowed to do so with your engine?
For example: Can we host a SVN server (on a private machine) that contains the source code of Unreal Engine and work with it?

Another issue may arise if we decide to host the SVN server on a public hosting service; Should we be aware of any implications if we decide to do so?

From what we’ve understood, the contributions we bring to the engine are our intellectual property, unless we decide to distribute them via the Marketplace or Unreal Engine GITHUB. We are aware, however that we must credit EPIC studios for the Unreal Engine, (the two paragraphs specified in the licence agreement).
Also, the game (implementation and idea), are, and will remain our intellectual property, and will not be affected by the license agreement (unless the license agreement changes, but then we can withdraw from the agreement). Is this correct?

You’ve asked a couple of questions so I’ll answer them in turn.

  • Yes, you are permitted to share engine code with other licensees (see 1(b) in the EULA) and work on the same project.
  • Yes, you can use a private SVN server to facilitate this coordination.
  • As for a public hosting service, you are prohibited from sharing engine source code with non-licensees, so however you set that would need to be in a way that prevents that from happening.
  • You are correct that you own what you create with the engine or however you extend the engine (unless, as you say, you make that a Contribution as defined under the EULA).