Potion Charges

I have created a blueprint object that when hit by the player adds 1 to the variable Small Potion, now i have two of these items in the game and when i hit one can use my potion but after that when i hit the other object i cant use my potion again and it comes up with my debug saying that i have no potions, but in theory i should be able to use it 2 times as i have collected 2 of the objects.

Adding 1 to the potion variable → Screenshot - 75e0b9b517de676a31a9089a0dfe97bf - Gyazo

The check function → Screenshot - ac29fe2f28431eebba7c14e32cb0a152 - Gyazo
^^ in this it checks the potion variable to see if its >= 1 if yes then it sets my boolean to true which i then set in the next part