Indirect Lighting time lag

I am currently using UE 4.10. I am creating a VR project that has animated character moving through multiple LightmassCharacterIndirctDetail Volumes. When the characters are moving the indirect lighting seem too dark but when they are standing still the indirect lighting slowly gets brighter until it is lit properly. It is as if the lighting is additive with each tick and multiple ticks are required to get full lighting. I see this in editor as well as in a Launch screen. Any thoughts on what could be causing this lag in


the GI lighting?
Here are the world setting used for the Lightmass build:

Hi Kedwardsbvr,

From the description of your issue this sounds like an issue with Auto Exposure (Eye Adaptation). This feature will act like your eyes adjusting from bright to dark environments and adjust the brightness so that it’s easier to see after the adjustment period.

To test this you can disable it by adding a post processing volume. Set the volume to be “Unbound” and then in the Auto Exposure setting make sure to set the Min and Max Brightness settings to 1.0. This will give you a good baseline for lighting in general in your project.

If that’s not appearing to be the issue can you post more details and a screenshot/video of the issue?

Thank you!


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