How do I make an actor look at a character?

I created a tower, that’s an actor class, and for testing purposes to see if it worked I have it look at me if I’m in it’s radius and shoot towards me. But now I’m trying to make it so that when another character, such as a bot, is in it’s radius the tower looks at the bot and shoots at it instead.

I’ve tried changing the GetActorLocation target to get a reference to my bot, get movement base actor, get owner and a couple more ways and I still can’t get my tower to look at my bot. When they pass within it’s radius the tower doesn’t look at or shoot. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can get this working?

I attached a screenshot of my look at player function in my tower blueprint.


I think a simple way around this is to have it check for the “bot” presence first using a branch then if “bot” returns false it goes to another branch and checks for player.

But I don’t want it to check for the player since it won’t be looking at or shooting the player, it’s only going to be attacking the bots walking within it’s radius.
I only had it originally checking for the player to test if it could shoot a moving target.