Is there a way to make wireframes in the editor thicker?

Sometimes it’s difficult to select volumes or other wireframe objects in the editor. Is it possible to make wireframes thicker?

  • ook

Hey ook,

So open up your Content Browser and using the ‘View Options’ dropdown, select to show ‘Engine Content’. Then in the search bar, type ‘Wireframe’ to find the ‘WireframeMaterial’. Open this up and add a multiply node with a single constant to increase the visibility or brightness of the wireframe lines within the editor.

Use the images below as a reference for how to do the explained steps above.

Content Browser - Engine Content

Wireframe Material - Emissive Strength

Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.


This isn’t exactly the issue I’m trying to solve. While this does make wireframes more visible it doesn’t make them easier to select. I find often I need to click again and again on the edge of a volume to try and select it because there’s so little active area to hit.

If you are having trouble selecting your brushes in your level you can toggle a marque box by pressing (Ctrl+Alt) and drag selecting around your brush. This makes it easy to select not only multiple brushes at once, but a single brush in the 3d viewport.

Currently, there is no way in the editor to make the lines thicker.

Hello, I think we could change the brush type to Brush_Add like cube brush does and show the surface of volume. But I find no way to change it or I have changed it but nothing hanppened.