How would I create a Ragdoll / PhysX Tongue?

I’ve searched around through the documentation , the forums and on here but cannot find anything regarding this.

I currently have a cartoon dinosaur modelled for my game, with bones - but before skinning I want to figure out how I would go about achieving this.

What I am trying to get, is the dinosaur itself will have an animated walk cycle, whilst the tongue would just be a ragdoll or other physics based object (unsure on terminology, physics are new to me) that just flaps and lolls around in an amusing manner, using physics simulation.

I’m completely unsure on where to start. So far I’ve un-parented the tongue bones from the body, and plan on rigging the dinosaur and the tongue as two separate skeletal meshes as I assume that I would attach the tongue inside the engine.

How would I use this in Unreal 4 to achieve the desired result?

Thanks to the new PHAT tutorials (Here)

I’ve figured this out.