FTableRowBase not class or struct name

I am trying to use Data Tables in my project, so I was creating my struct to map the columns to the CSV file when I got an error saying that FTableRowBase is not a class or struct name so I can’t inherit from it. I tried pressing F12 to go to definition and VS does find it, but doesn’t link for some weird reason.

I dug a bit and compared to other projects and found out that for some reason I don’t have the DataTable.h in my project’s External Dependencies and all my other projects have it. I have no clue why it would not be in there or how to get it there to fix the issue.

Any help would really be appreciated.

Thanks !

Can you please post the header file?

Meanwhile try adding

#include "Engine/DataTable.h"

to the header

Thanks a lot, that actually made it work !

Here was my header before adding the Engine/DataTable.h

#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "LevelManager.generated.h"

The only thing I don’t understand is why I have to explicitly import it in this project but not the other ones ? The only difference was that this one in using the Top Down C++ template while the other ones were using the Third Person C++ template.