How to use distance culling for bsp brushes

Hey i cant get me bsp’s distace culled is there a way to do that?

Hey MonsterError,

So BSP’s are not affected by culling volumes or distances. They are meant as a placeholder when whiteboxing your level. Once you have established a shape and scale for the actor being represented by the BSP, and would like to keep that exact shape and scale, you can convert it into a Static Mesh which will then be affected by cull distance volumes.

Below is a link to another post where a user asked how to effectively use Cull Distance Volumes.

Culling Objects out of View

Let me know if you have questions in regards to getting the cull volume to working.


Thx but how to make them static mesh and i use the bsp for the subtractive feature

Hey MonsterError,

So in order to start converting your BSP’s to Static Meshes you will want to be sure you select all the correct brushes (including the subtractive ones) you wish to have as a single mesh.

You then need to make it a ‘Solid’ object and convert your selected brushes to a static mesh using the 'Create Static Mesh

BSP to Static Mesh

Static Mesh

Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.


THX that solved it