Can't Launch Projects - Missing UE4 Game Binary

First let me say I know that there are a ton of answers on here regarding this, however none seem to touch on the issue I’m having - none of my projects will launch, even if I create a new project from the provided templates. I’m also fairly new to all of this and don’t know a whole lot about the programming side of things, so please bear with my dumb questions.

This is the error I get in the output log when attempting to launch:

PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Missing UE4Game binary.
You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:

Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!


  • Are you attempting to launch a blueprint or C++ project?
  • Do you have Visual Studio 2015 installed, including the necessary C++ and Common Tools content?
  • What platform are you attempting to launch to?

Do you have Visual Studio installed?

Visual Studio 2013 for engine version 4.9 or earlier.
Visual Studio 2015 for engine version 4.10 or newer.

  • It’s a blueprint project. At this point, just a bunch of assets placed into the default FirstPerson template. Only blueprinting I’ve done so far is triggering basic matinee sequences.

  • Yes, Visual Studio should be all good.*

  • Just launching to desktop (WindowsNoEditor?)

  • It seems Visual Studio needed and update that it hadn’t done automatically. That issue seems to have been solved, except now it won’t launch due to the Kinect4Unreal plugin which is a whole other issue, it seems. Suppose I’ll have to post in another section of the forum for that.

I am glad to hear that you were able to resolve your initial issue. Please do create another post regarding the Kinect4Unreal issue.

Have a great day

Wait so? how did you figure it out? i’m having the same problem too! I posted my question here

Do you have the C++ and Common Tools additional content that is required to run 4.10?

Also, which version of Visual Studio 2015 are you using? Do you have update 1?