Problem forking in GitHub (upadting to 4.1)

Hi, I’m trying to get the source code updated to 4.1. I was trying to replicate the process I done the first time I got the source but when forking from the Unreal Engine github page and selecting my page for the repository, it just moves me into my page, but I see there the 4.0 info, not the 4.1 details from the Unreal Engine page. I’ve also tried refreshing in the client and other stuff, but clone options are blocked, as it says I already have a local repository, the 4.0 one.

I’ve seen in other posts that people suggest to use git commands, but where are they accessed from? I’ve not seen where to use them in the client nor in the web page.

Quastion, do you use source code to do something in it (and you ventully submit) or just for building engine from source? Because technically you need to make fork only if you plan to submit something so you can do pull request on github, in other cases you can clone repo directly and just do pulls and branch switching on updates.

You need to switch a branch to (checkout the branch) to 4.1, there also master branch which contains latest changes Epic submitted to there repo, but it’s untested and most likely unstable in some cases might not even build.

I though you tying to clone direclly from Unreal repository as i said :stuck_out_tongue: Clone EpicGames/UnrealEngine, if you do that then all you need to do is make pulls and switch branches and you don’t need to play with forks

Hi , and thanks for the info. Since now I haven’t modified the source ifself, just building from it. But also when clicking “Clone on Desktop” in Github’s Unreal Engine page, apparently nothing gets changed in the client, although it seems to react to it. I say nothing changes because if checking out the info or the latest changes in the client I see it’s the 4.0.

What am I doing wrong?

The fact is that the 4.1 is already selected in the Unreal Engine page, but not selectable in my page, also the compare option there won’t find it.

OK, that finally showed up in the client. The problem now is that is says there’s a file in the source, GameViewport.cpp, I once changed, although I set it its functionality back to the default one, but I maybe made an extra newline or something, because it says it can’t use the 4.1 branch until I “commit the changes” in that file. How I’m supposed to do so? Is there a way to generate the default file back?

Just do reclone, delete whole source and clone again so you got clean files. Commit will also work, you dont have write premission to repository so don’t worry, you might have conflicts in later pulls thru :stuck_out_tongue:

OK, so I hit “Stop tracking” in the GitHub client, in the Epic Games’ UnrealEngine, and then deleted my clone in my hard drive, and selected that UnrealEngine and cloned where the old one. It has builded correctly.

Edit: the sum of comments should be considered the right answer (can’t mark it as that because they were posted as comments, not answers).

Well you can convert comments to anwsers and viceversa if you didn’t know that :slight_smile: I converted my comment to anwser

Good info. I’ve selected your question now as the right answer.