Cannot Delete Missing Asset - UMAP MAP - Causes Failed Build

Hello everyone,

I’m working on a University project and someone on our team somehow created a map which cannot be deleted from the content browser. The file is missing from the physical directory but still appears in the content browser.

I’ve tried renaming a different file to the same name. Closing the editor and reopening it. Then attempting to delete the file. It doesn’t fix the issue. It just creates two entries in the content browser with the same map name.

When I right click on the map it “fails to import asset” with an error saying

“Error /Game/SideScrollerBP/Maps/Map1_1_1old : Failed import for StaticMeshComponent /Game/SideScrollerBP/Blueprints/SideScrollerCharacter.SideScrollerCharacter_C:SphereED7CDCBE45E1652011FF69A6BE40206D”

Feature request:
It would be nice to have the ability to force an items removal from the content browser. Especially if the physical file is no longer present.

Any ideas?

I managed to delete the asset. Here are the steps I took to delete the phantom Map1_1_1old.umap asset.

Opened the project.
Copied a umap file in the physical directory. (TestMap.umap)

Renamed that umap file to same name as the missing file. (Map1_1_1old.umap: It still displayed the name TestMap in the content browser)

Closed the editor.

Opened the editor.

The content browser showed two Map1_1_1old.umap files. I was able to delete them both.

Previous failed attempts must have had something to do with the order I did things. It took me many tried. Hopefully this helps someone.