Pawn movement pathfinding

Hi guys !

Context game is a RTS and I’m trying to move a pawn to a location inside a NavMeshBound. My pawn only has a Box collision component with a Static Mesh, and a FloatingPawnMovement component.
Currently, I’m using Blueprint AI move to node as this:

I encounter a problem obstacles and collisions. When my pawn collides with an object, it stops.
Here is an exemple:

I would like to know if there is a proper way for AIMoveTo to consider the pawn hitbox, or if there is a proper way solve this problem.

Thanks all.

I’m guessing the box collision isn’t being used by your FloatingPawnMovement. You should try to find out how does the FloatingPawnMovement determine collision. Additionally, if you are looking for dynamic obstacle avoidance (avoiding each other when moving mass group of cubes), you should change your base type to Character which is also a Pawn except it has the CharacterMovementComponent and it has RVO settings to enable dynamic obstacle avoidance.

I’m afraid that character is to heavy class for what I’m doing. do you now how many character UE4 can support as the same time ?